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Pushing your boundaries

Updated: Feb 1, 2022

Testimonial from Lifelines member; Rodney Williams.

May I be so bold to ask when was the last time you pushed the boundaries. You know, try something that is new or wanted to do for sometime. If you haven't as yet I totally get you. Especially if you struggle at times to manage your mental health, lack a bit if confidence or have that fear that if it goes wrong and you leave yourself open for others to judge you.

It feels far more comfortable sitting in the shadows of better what I already know.

I am not going to blag it but that's me quite a few times. Yet when others see the potential in you and present the opportunity for you to take that bold step to enlarge yourself, the big question is what do you do? Yep that was also me, the past haunts of jovial comments and over critical of oneself started to engulf me but then something clicked.

A dear friend presented me with the opportunity to sing live with his band, obviously with some coaching. I put the feelers out expecting others to laugh or present a little negativity but to my surprise the only criticism came from myself as I was met with nothing but encouragement by professionals. To be honest I don't like the sound of my voice even when I do spoken word and usually choke if I try to sing solo with a microphone in my hand.

My friend was amazing as with his coaching I was able to produce a sound that I didn't cringe at, with confidence I listened with enthusiasm and learnt fast. Just before Christmas I performed live doing three songs on his gig at Westfield in Stratford before a private live audience and also played percussion. It did help having three professionals around me doing most of the night but it was such an incredible feeling. Honestly, I still have a lot work to do but the encouragement I got was very much appreciated which enable me to reflect on my past challenges and now my achievements going into this new year.

If you are reading these words then you may have some association with venue 360 and I do believe everything is connected in some way and is of value, so thank you. The reason for my gratitude is the environment at Venue 360 is therapeutic for me with all the people I meet, whether you work there, train or just visiting.

When I am absent I notice the difference within myself which affects everything for me so I try to maintain some consistency in attendance. This has vastly contributed to my foundation of security to enable me to push my boundaries and now have achievements I only use to previously envision but in my own way shy away from. I have now gone up a few rungs on the ladder, enlarged my tent and now more mature in another part of my life.

My encouragement to you is that you are not alone when it comes to playing it safe as it is natural especially in these most challenging times. However when you know there is possibly more to you or others see it in you, what have you got to lose. Pushing the boundaries means you now have a larger capacity to give which means we are even more of value to others or something. This opens new doors of possible exciting opportunities. It also gives you an opportunity to smile with yourself at your achievement. Yes, it is allowed and not too vain. How great is that.

When you take that bold step be assured I am with you.

Be safe.

Rodney Williams


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